3 years ago
Steve Green
In the 25 or so years I knew Kev, my memories of him are of a happy, smiley, welcoming friend. A fun loving, adventurous spirit with a cheeky sense of humour, a truly genuine person!
Always seeking out the quirky, interesting things in life, Kev’s choice of cars, caravans, holidays, even jobs, were far from your run of the mill choices.
So many memories! From the early years, the games nights he’d arrange round his place, playing Frogger and horse racing games with horses on lengths of string. The pub crawls, round Stortford, JRs, Scruffy Macs, Chicagos where he introduced us to his new girlfriend, Wendy. Camping at the BMF rally, Audley End summer concerts, Halloween punting through Cambridge and more recently, welly walks through the Fenland woods with him, Wendy and the 4-legged kids.
I think Kev would have made a great tourist guide, he always enjoyed telling us all about the places we’d be walking through. Be it Ely or the Fens, he’d be telling us all about them as we walked, like a walking, talking guide book.
Re-training as a nurse and later volunteering as a blood biker, Kev was very much a giver, but he was also a big joker! He used to like to rib me over such things as liking the Proclaimers, always being last to finish dinner and more recently buying an “old man’s bike”! All done in great humour and with that cheeky grin, making us all laugh, they became a bit of a standing joke!
I remember a group of us would be out for a meal, often at Ha Ha bar in Cambridge. At some point I’d hear, “Steve, hurry up mate, we’re all waiting for our desserts” or “We waiting for you again Steve?” then I’d hear “No, go on mate, you enjoy it…..we can wait!”. All classic Kev humour! He’d try to look annoyed and would screw his face up into a frown but he couldn’t really pull it off, that cheeky grin would come through and betray the joke.
So sorry we never managed to get away on that weekend bike trip Kev!
£50.00 (+ £12.50 Gift Aid)